Searches catalog for the query. Acts as a proxy for
Key | Type | Description |
Category | int | Category ID found on the 'browse by category' panel on the catalog |
Query | string | Query to search catalog for |
Subcategory | int | Optional subcategory to further search specification(exact items) |
"Description":"I just wanna tell",
"Updated":"11 months ago",
"Favorited":"1 time",
Get's the date/time from the CS server
Key | Type | Description |
Time | string | Optional string that can handle how the time is returned. There's: TimeAndSeconds, Full, Text, FullAndSeconds, and no perameter |
1/2/2016 17:42:10
Gets a player's ID and other information from their username (Proxy of Has been outdated. Use GetUserIdFromNameAsync instead.
Key | Type | Description |
Username | string | The current username of the player |
Will get the Image ID of any decal, hat, shirt, pants, ect. Will only work with items of XML (Newer places/models that use roblox's compression will not work, everything else should)
Key | Type | Description |
ID | int | The asset's ID |
Will get the Image URL of an asset (roblox's cdn)
Key | Type | Description |
ID | int | The asset's ID |
Will get the item IDs inside the package. Acts as a proxy for
Key | Type | Description |
PackageID | int | The package's ID |
Acts as a proxy for roblox. If used a lot, I will implement a system to limit requests. Please use responsibly, and save a poor programmer some time by not spamming :) (if it goes down, use Froast's)
Key | Type | Description |
Dir | string | The directory to look for past the |
Subdomain | string | Any subdomain to as api and wiki) |
... | string | Additional arguments (such as ?title=, &genere=) will be formatted with the Dir, but can also be encoded |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr" class="client-nojs">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>RobloxLandingPage - Roblox Wiki</title>
<meta name="generator" content="MediaWiki 1.25.3" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
Will redirect via header data to the user's profile. Also if location header data is disabled by client, it displays HTML of a link to their profile.
Key | Type | Description |
Username | string | The Username of the target user |
<h1><a href='' >MakerModelLua's profile</a></h1>
Will display a JSON of the user's stats.
Key | Type | Description |
ID | int | The ID of the target user |
Converts Roblox XML to JSON from the assetId of ID (Does not work with new binary compression of 2013+ [for now ;)])
Key | Type | Description |
ID | int | The Asset ID of the asset |
UseIDs | bool | If true, IDs will be assigned to Items, as well as ParentIDs |
NoNest | bool | If true, the JSON won't return a nested array of children. |
[{"Item":"Script","Properties":[{"Name":"Disabled","Type":"bool","Value":"false"},{"Name":"LinkedSource","Type":"Content","Value":""},{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"Script"},{"Name":"Source","Type":"ProtectedString","Value":"loadstring(script.Code.Value)()"},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[{"Item":"StringValue","Properties":[{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"Code"},{"Name":"Value","Type":"string","Value":""},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[]}]},{"Item":"LocalScript","Properties":[{"Name":"Disabled","Type":"bool","Value":"false"},{"Name":"LinkedSource","Type":"Content","Value":""},{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"LocalScript"},{"Name":"Source","Type":"ProtectedString","Value":"wait() loadstring(script.Code.Value)()"},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[{"Item":"StringValue","Properties":[{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"Code"},{"Name":"Value","Type":"string","Value":""},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[]}]}]
Gets and caches all icons for each object in Objects. Limit of 10 objects per request.
Key | Type | Description |
Objects | json | The Asset ID of the asset |