Use APIs for roblox.com!


Searches catalog for the query. Acts as a proxy for www.roblox.com/catalog/json

Key Type Description
Category int Category ID found on the 'browse by category' panel on the catalog
Query string Query to search catalog for
Subcategory int Optional subcategory to further search specification(exact items)
        "Description":"I just wanna tell",
        "Updated":"11 months ago",
        "Favorited":"1 time",


Get's the date/time from the CS server

Key Type Description
Time string Optional string that can handle how the time is returned. There's: TimeAndSeconds, Full, Text, FullAndSeconds, and no perameter
1/2/2016 17:42:10


Gets a player's ID and other information from their username (Proxy of http://api.roblox.com/users/get-by-username). Has been outdated. Use GetUserIdFromNameAsync instead.

Key Type Description
Username string The current username of the player


Will get the Image ID of any decal, hat, shirt, pants, ect. Will only work with items of XML (Newer places/models that use roblox's compression will not work, everything else should)

Key Type Description
ID int The asset's ID


Will get the Image URL of an asset (roblox's cdn)

Key Type Description
ID int The asset's ID


Will get the item IDs inside the package. Acts as a proxy for http://www.roblox.com/Game/GetAssetIdsForPackageId

Key Type Description
PackageID int The package's ID


Acts as a proxy for roblox. If used a lot, I will implement a system to limit requests. Please use responsibly, and save a poor programmer some time by not spamming :) (if it goes down, use Froast's)

Key Type Description
Dir string The directory to look for past the roblox.com/
Subdomain string Any subdomain to roblox.com(such as api and wiki)
... string Additional arguments (such as ?title=, &genere=) will be formatted with the Dir, but can also be encoded
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr" class="client-nojs">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>RobloxLandingPage - Roblox Wiki</title>
<meta name="generator" content="MediaWiki 1.25.3" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />


Will redirect via header data to the user's profile. Also if location header data is disabled by client, it displays HTML of a link to their profile.

Key Type Description
Username string The Username of the target user
<h1><a href='http://www.roblox.com/users/38837082/profile' >MakerModelLua's profile</a></h1>


Will display a JSON of the user's stats.

Key Type Description
ID int The ID of the target user


Converts Roblox XML to JSON from the assetId of ID (Does not work with new binary compression of 2013+ [for now ;)])

Key Type Description
ID int The Asset ID of the asset
UseIDs bool If true, IDs will be assigned to Items, as well as ParentIDs
NoNest bool If true, the JSON won't return a nested array of children.
[{"Item":"Script","Properties":[{"Name":"Disabled","Type":"bool","Value":"false"},{"Name":"LinkedSource","Type":"Content","Value":""},{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"Script"},{"Name":"Source","Type":"ProtectedString","Value":"loadstring(script.Code.Value)()"},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[{"Item":"StringValue","Properties":[{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"Code"},{"Name":"Value","Type":"string","Value":""},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[]}]},{"Item":"LocalScript","Properties":[{"Name":"Disabled","Type":"bool","Value":"false"},{"Name":"LinkedSource","Type":"Content","Value":""},{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"LocalScript"},{"Name":"Source","Type":"ProtectedString","Value":"wait() loadstring(script.Code.Value)()"},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[{"Item":"StringValue","Properties":[{"Name":"Name","Type":"string","Value":"Code"},{"Name":"Value","Type":"string","Value":""},{"Name":"archivable","Type":"bool","Value":"true"}],"Children":[]}]}]


Gets and caches all icons for each object in Objects. Limit of 10 objects per request.

Key Type Description
Objects json The Asset ID of the asset